During the competition we are bound to see and hear of disqualifications. We do not enjoy them, but without rules and regulations being enforced, there would be chaos. We expect consequences in response to broken rules. Just as people break the rules of the IOC, the first people rebelled against God. They disobeyed the one rule God had given. Breaking God’s rules is sin which ruins relationships and results in a terrible physical and spiritual change for everyone. All people inherit a sinful, rebellious nature that leads to cheating, selfishness, oppression and arrogance. We have all sinned, and because God is holy, our sin cannot go unpunished.
When it comes to eternal life, it is the Creator God who sets the rules for gaining entry. Romans 3:23 says everyone is disqualified: “all have sinned…” No one is right and righteous their whole life. In the Games a disqualification means you are out. When it comes to eternal life, we are all “disqualified”.