Looking Back


What can we believe? Well, let’s step back a bit and get things from the beginning. No one doubts that the Football (soccer) World Cup was created by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). Not only is this an obvious thing to believe, it is also true and verifiable. FIFA created this event and we get to enjoy it!

When we talk about “basic things to believe” it is essential that we start with belief in God. Someone once wrote, “Whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him” Hebrews 11.6. The problem is that, as a man named Paul who travelled the world observed, “no one understands; no one seeks for God.” 3 “But, wait!” you say. “People all over the world practise many kinds of religion.” While it is true that many of the world’s people are religious, it is also true that most are not seeking God. They seek what they can get from God. Perhaps you know someone who wanted to come with you to the World Cup. Maybe, if you had paid their way and made all the arrangements, they would have gladly come – not to be with you, but to enjoy the matches. They want to come on their terms and at no sacrifice. Many people “seek” God in the same way.

If it is convenient, and does not cost much or interrupt their life, then seeking God would be fine. Stop – that is not seeking God! Seeking God is coming to Him on His terms, not ours. We must believe God, not just want a personal life of ease. The Apostle Peter said that God has put everything in place not to bring us to
heaven, but to “bring us to God” 1Peter 3.18. While heaven will be great, God is looking for people who seek a relationship with Him.