More sure than the fact that there is a FIFA World Cup is the fact that God has taken care of mankind’s sin problem. At the World Cup every team is focused
on winning. Ask any player and they will tell you that they have come to win. Most players could describe the trophy in great detail (a golden globe perched atop players standing back to back with their arms raised). Few, if they were honest, would say that they expect to accomplish the ultimate win. There was a man who did accomplish everything that He came for. His life focus was not on winning at the world’s most-played sport. His focus was to please God the Father. He did not come for fame or recognition. In His own words He came to “seek and save the lost.” Luke 19.10
This man’s name was Jesus.
There were many things about Jesus’ life that made Him special. The Bible tells us that while He was every bit a part of the human race as you
and I, He was also God. The Bible leaves no doubt about this when it says: “He is the image of the invisible God” Colossians 1.15; “In Him all the fullness of God was well pleased to dwell” Colossians 1.19.
The Gospel of John says in chapter 1 that “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God … and the Word became flesh and lived among us”.
The historical record shows that while on the earth, Jesus lived a normal life in many ways. He grew up, had parents and friends, and He even knew what it was to suffer great loss. He “in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin” Hebrews 4.15. His sinless life was the first and last for mankind. In the prime of His life and work, Jesus sacrificed that life by willingly dying on the cross so that we could have our sin forgiven!
“For our sake God made Him (Jesus)
to be sin who knew no sin, so that
in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”
2 Corinthians 5.18.
He died for our sins, in our place.
“He himself bore our sins in his body on the
tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.”
1Peter 2.24.
Imagine that your country was out of the World Cup and the winning team let your team take its place in the awards ceremony so that your country received the FIFA trophy and all the glory for the next four years! Remarkably this is exactly what Jesus did. Jesus was victorious over sin by His resurrection from the dead.
“In fact, Christ has been raised from the dead.” 1Corinthians 15.20.
What a massive victory. This victory was not for Himself. Amazingly, He offers the prize of resurrection life to us.
The Bible is clear, “God
raised the Lord and will also
raise us up by His power.”
1Corinthians 6.14.